Thursday, December 21, 2006

Not being alone I am not alone. I am happy because family, boyfriend, friends are all within a radius of 5 km. this, compared to the previous 2000 km distance, is very good; it is great actually.
but "le probléme c'est que" I'm not used to having people around me all the time, I'm not used to traffic jams in Lisbon anymore, I'm not used to having so many things to do each day. so, my brain is getting a bit "lost in translation" here.....The result of this probléme might be something very annoying that is happening very often around here: forgetting people names. Yesterday it happened three times.....fortunately people didn't notice.
So, to save the day I went to see a movie: "The Holiday". Even if the movie would have been terrible, it would still be worth seeing, as Jude Law is......Jude Law!
but....I found the movie great! It's one of those movies I could see over and over again and still laugh, cry...feel.
but, unlike what one might think, the guy who made me cry on this movie was Eli Wallach (Arthur Abbott) and the girls who made me laugh on this movie were Olivia and Sophie (Graham's daughters).


Blogger Nuno said...

Miuda, Feliz Natal!!!

E ja sabes abre as prendas uma de cada vez :)

12:49 PM  
Blogger Ana said...

Muito obrigada!!!! Feliz Natal para ti tb!

9:15 PM  
Blogger Nuno said...

Miuda como as 12 passas por mim (detesto passas :) ) e pede uns quantos desejos para 2007 também.

Diverte-te ai em Lisboa e não te esqueças de comer uns pasteis de belém por mim. :)

Feliz ano novo, bjs

8:23 PM  

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