Thursday, February 02, 2006

Fernando Pessoa 3

I was very happy to see, when I went to a bookshop in Oxford, that Fernando Pessoa writings are widely translated in english.

I found two books: one was a collection of his most important poetry and the other was "O livro do desassossego (The book of disquietness)" written under the name of his semi-heteronymous Bernardo Soares. I guess his caracter and his writings are certainly unique around the world.

When reading a book about his clinical case, I found out that besides his 3 heteronymous and 1 semi-heteronymous, there was another heteronymous which was never shown in his famous writings. Apparently, he created a feminine character as a way to escape his feminine side. Unfortunately, the writings were very basic and show a person who is mentally very sick. This girl is 19 years old, suffered "paraplegia" and wrote about an impossible love for someone that she observed every day while she was seating at her window.
While I was happy to know more about his work, I was sad to see that psicologically he was very disequilibrated before he died.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ana, desilusões todos nós as temos um dia...quando eu estiver contigo conto-te outras coisas sobre o Fernando Pessoa que, entretanto, também fui sabendo...

10:33 AM  

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